Sautéed Morels

Thursday, May 15, 2014

For those of you that live in morel country I'm sure by now you know that it is morel season!  I've heard of morels and have known that for years every spring people like my grandpa go in hunt of the rare short seasoned mushrooms.  I've never eaten them myself due to not being a big fan of mushrooms but this year was going to be different!

I hope to go morel hunting for the first time this Sunday if all goes as planned for the true morel experience but in the mean time my gramps picked a generous bag and sent it home with my dad one evening and we've got some morel recipes to share with you all over the next few days!  For a nice change I actually let Adam take the lead on this.  He loves morels and apparently he's been eating them every season for most of his life so he was a pro at making a simple yet very tasty and traditional dish.

Yes morels in butter can be dish.  Full of fat and yumminess it is perfect and if you need a little more you could easily poor it over some white rice!  I didn't believe it when he first said it but I caved eventually. ;) I also admit that I tried them and so did my sister katie (also not a mushroom fan) and they taste nothing like mushrooms!  They were very tasty even if I couldn't get past the whole texture part that I don't like about mushrooms.

  • morels
  • butter
  • salt & pepper to taste
  1. Slice the morels in half, ridding any bad spots and place them in a bucket of water.  Change the water a couple of times so all the little creepy crawlies can get out and go down the drain!
  2. In a pan placed on the stove turned to medium to medium low heat melt 2 tbsp of butter for every dozen or so morels.
  3. Add the morels and cook for about 20 minutes.
  4. Basically what's going to happen for that time is that all the moisture is going to be released from the morels and then you wait until it evaporates from the pan. Then all that's left again is the butter.  It's kind of cool really how it does that.
  5. Serve on a plate while hot out of the pan!
  6. Enjoy!! 

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